Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor
Delimitation. Kirillov Egor


In early March 2024, Azerbaijan demanded that Armenia hand over eight villages along the two countries’ borders. To avoid a new war, Yerevan agreed to transfer four villages to Azerbaijani control. Local residents, however, oppose the decision; they want Armenia to refuse to concede any territory and have appealed to international human rights organizations for help. The road into the village of Kirants. Residents have been blocking part of the M6 highway, which leads to a neighboring village closer to the Azerbaijani border, since April 19. Kirants residents work in shifts to ensure there’s always somebody blocking the road. If a military vehicle tries to cross the Kirants River and enter the village, protesters walk onto the road to prevent it from passing; they specifically don’t want to allow sappers to demine the border territories. Emergency service vehicles and cars belonging to local residents are allowed through.